Source code for BinaryFileReader

# Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE in project root for information.

import sys

if sys.version >= '3':
    basestring = str

import pyspark
from pyspark import SparkContext
from pyspark import sql
from import *
from pyspark.sql import DataFrame
from pyspark.sql.types import *

BinaryFileFields = ["path", "bytes"]
Names of Binary File Schema field names.

BinaryFileSchema = StructType([
    StructField(BinaryFileFields[0], StringType(),  True),
    StructField(BinaryFileFields[1], BinaryType(), True) ])
Schema for Binary Files.

Schema records consist of BinaryFileFields name, Type, and ??

[docs]def readBinaryFiles(self, path, recursive = False, sampleRatio = 1.0, inspectZip = True, seed=0): """ Reads the directory of binary files from the local or remote (WASB) source This function is attached to SparkSession class. :Example: >>> spark.readBinaryFiles(path, recursive, sampleRatio = 1.0, inspectZip = True) Args: path (str): Path to the file directory recursive (b (double): Fraction of the files loaded into the dataframe Returns: DataFrame: DataFrame with a single column "value"; see binaryFileSchema for details """ ctx = SparkContext.getOrCreate() reader = sql_ctx = pyspark.SQLContext.getOrCreate(ctx) jsession = sql_ctx.sparkSession._jsparkSession jresult =, recursive, jsession, float(sampleRatio), inspectZip, seed) return DataFrame(jresult, sql_ctx)
setattr(sql.SparkSession, 'readBinaryFiles', classmethod(readBinaryFiles))
[docs]def streamBinaryFiles(self, path, sampleRatio = 1.0, inspectZip = True, seed=0): """ Streams the directory of binary files from the local or remote (WASB) source This function is attached to SparkSession class. :Example: >>> spark.streamBinaryFiles(path, sampleRatio = 1.0, inspectZip = True) Args: path (str): Path to the file directory Returns: DataFrame: DataFrame with a single column "value"; see binaryFileSchema for details """ ctx = SparkContext.getOrCreate() reader = sql_ctx = pyspark.SQLContext.getOrCreate(ctx) jsession = sql_ctx.sparkSession._jsparkSession jresult =, jsession, float(sampleRatio), inspectZip, seed) return DataFrame(jresult, sql_ctx)
setattr(sql.SparkSession, 'streamBinaryFiles', classmethod(streamBinaryFiles))
[docs]def isBinaryFile(df, column): """ Returns True if the column contains binary files Args: df (DataFrame): The DataFrame to be processed column (bool): The name of the column being inspected Returns: bool: True if the colum is a binary files column """ ctx = SparkContext.getOrCreate() schema = return schema.isBinaryFile(df._jdf, column)